Sworn translation is one of the services that we provide at Logios System. In case you are looking for the right partner to translate legal or other documents, let us help you to provide some brief information about the service.
The sworn translator is someone who can translate various legal documents such as birth certificate, statues, and other official documents. They have the full responsibility for the work therefore the translated work has a legal value equivalent to the original work.
Accuracy of the document is very important. Logios System has worked with various clients to ensure that we can provide the highest quality of translation. A non-sworn translator might not be able to provide an official guarantee on the accuracy of their work. The authorities will favour the sworn translator because they are accountable for the work by providing credentials and contact details in case they need to follow up the content.
Using a sworn translation service can bring some benefits. To begin with, the translator will ensure to conduct thorough research on the work to ensure that they can provide the highest accuracy on the content. Also, they will find out about the requirements to abide while working on the translation. This is important because working with legal documents might require the sworn translator to know about the format or other small details.
Using a sworn translation service from Logios System can help to ensure that the document translated correct and done by a trusted professional. Not only that, the translator will ensure that the work will follow the requirements so you do not have to hassle about the quality.

Sworn Translation
Special needs such as education, working abroad or business cooperation between countries require